We've already pointed out how surprisingly funny Britney Spears can be on Twitter and here's another example after she tracked down her snake partner from "I'm a Slave 4 U." We died when we heard her name is Banana. [via Buzzfeed]
Recommendations for how to use Grindr to get some play at the GOP Convention in Tampa. [via Funny Or Die]
10,000 gold stars for whomever first realized that Honey Boo Boo's mom has a doppelgänger and it's Kevin Malone from The Office. [via Coin Farts]
Nickelback may have recruited Jason Alexander for a music video but early 00s rockers The Darkness have girls in bikinis lounging on pancakes. AND it's "thee blog exclusive." So there. [via Dog and Pony Show Website]
Mitt: Like You've Never Seen Him Before. [via I, Romney]
No thanks! [via Laughter Key]
After Rihanna appeared on Oprah... [via Tall Whitney]
Dogs rule, cats drool! [via Bunny Food]
Found on the shelf next to Go the F**k to Sleep. [via Pleated Jeans]
During an undercover operation in England, a teen used this ID with King of the Hill's Bobby Hill's picture on it to successfully buy alcohol six times. [via The Daily Mail]
After Rihanna appeared on Oprah... [via Tall Whitney]
Dogs rule, cats drool! [via Bunny Food]
Found on the shelf next to Go the F**k to Sleep. [via Pleated Jeans]
During an undercover operation in England, a teen used this ID with King of the Hill's Bobby Hill's picture on it to successfully buy alcohol six times. [via The Daily Mail]
Recommendations for how to use Grindr to get some play at the GOP Convention in Tampa. [via Funny Or Die]
10,000 gold stars for whomever first realized that Honey Boo Boo's mom has a doppelgänger and it's Kevin Malone from The Office. [via Coin Farts]
Nickelback may have recruited Jason Alexander for a music video but early 00s rockers The Darkness have girls in bikinis lounging on pancakes. AND it's "thee blog exclusive." So there. [via Dog and Pony Show Website]
Mitt: Like You've Never Seen Him Before. [via I, Romney]
Nelly Furtado busted out a rendition of K-Pop hit "Gangnam Style" at a recent concert. [via Buzzfeed]
Paul Ryan's network sitcom look-a-likes. Good call, good call. [Courtesy of Anna Moseley]
Paul Ryan's network sitcom look-a-likes. Good call, good call. [Courtesy of Anna Moseley]